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Development and testing trends, how-tos, and guides from the Reflect community.
Front-end Development
7 min read
Introduction to Nuxt Test Utils
Here we provide an overview of Nuxt Test Utils, its features, and how to set up a test environment with `nuxt/test-utils`.
Front-end Development
8 min read
Deno's Networking and File Permissions Model
Deno uses a novel permissioning model for allowing access outside the runtime sandbox. In this article we'll cover each option for loosening security restrictions supported by the deno CLI.
Front-end Development
9 min read
What is Deno Deploy?
An introduction to Deno Deploy, a new platform for deploying TypeScript applications.
Front-end Development
6 min read
Introduction to React Testing Library
Learn how React Testing Library helps developers write unit and component tests that more closely resemble how users interact with the application.
Front-end Development
8 min read
What is the Next.js equivalent for Angular?
Everything you need to know about Angular Universal, the Angular-based competitor to Next.js.
Front-end Development
12 min read
Async waits in React Testing Library
React applications often perform asynchronous actions, like making calls to APIs to fetch data from a backend server. This asynchronous behavior can make unit tests and component tests a bit tricky to write.
Front-end Development
How-tos & Guides
7 min read
Sending command-line arguments to an npm script
Node is a popular open-source JavaScript runtime environment for efficiently executing JavaScript code on the server. Node can also be configured to run your own JavaScript code as scripts on the command line.
Front-end Development
How-tos & Guides
5 min read
How to use Node.js modules in Deno
Due to its power and first-class support for Typescript, Deno has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. A common stumbling block for developers new to Deno is how to use Node.js packages in Deno apps. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to leverage the enormous ecosystem of code in the npm registry and use Node.js modules in your Deno applications.
Front-end Development
10 min read
Micro Frontends, are they the future of web development?
Web applications have advanced a lot over the last decade. They have advanced from a simple static page for your pet, to fully functional tools that allow you to connect with friends, buy books and even author content for the web. To allow for this advancement, the technology behind web applications has had to grow a lot. One of the most recent advancements in how we structure web applications is the concept of micro frontends. In this article we will build a web application and learn about micro frontends along the way.
Front-end Development
12 min read
A practical, step-by-step guide to using Chrome's DevTools
The DevTools built into all modern browsers are an extension of the webapp development environment. We'll walk through a practical example of devtools usage which covers a number of core features.

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