How-tos & Guides
7 min read

UI Testing with Postman

Despite being focused on API testing, Postman does have some capabilities that allow users to create simple UI tests

Fortune Ikechi
Published October 4, 2022
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Postman is a popular tool for API testing, but did you know that you can also use it for UI testing? In this article we’ll cover how to use Postman to create end-to-end tests for a few simple testing scenarios.

What is Postman

Postman is a testing platform for developing, testing, and documenting APIs. You can think of Postman as an alternative to writing automated tests in a library like Python’s Requests HTTP library, or JavaScript’s Axios library. Postman is also a great alternative to writing one-off scripts using command-line tools like curl and jq.

Some key features of Postman are:

Why test your UI with Postman

While Postman doesn’t provide many of the features you’d see in dedicated end-to-end testing tools like Selenium or Reflect, it’s still possible to use Postman’s limited feature set to simulate simple end-to-end scenarios. Here are some reasons why you might elect to create UI tests in Postman:


Probably the number one reason to use Postman for UI testing is if you’re already familiar with the tool, and have already created API tests that comprise most of an end-to-end scenario.

Measuring performance

Once you have tests set up in Postman, it’s pretty easy to configure the tests to run multiple times, and to export those test results into a separate tool to plot the results. This in effect is a simple way of performing performance testing, where you’d run a scenario a set number of times, throw out the fastest and slowest runs, and calculate the mean / median / variance in response times of each request in the E2E scenario.


Through Postman’s data-driven testing features, you could construct a Collection Runner which tests various different boundary conditions. Generating these different inputs at random would be equivalent to fuzzing which is a testing technique that attempts to find security vulnerabilities in your application.

Even a non-random set of inputs could be used for testing the security of your app. For example, testing with inputs like javascript:alert(1) or ; select * from users would be a simple way to test for cross-site scripting and SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Getting started with Postman UI tests

In this section, we will learn how to run a simple UI test using Postman. After executing the test, we will perform some assertions on the results, like verifying the status code of the response, checking the size of the response, and measuring performance. To make these assertions, we’ll be using the Chai Assertion Library which is a popular assertion library that’s available in Postman by default.

A typical assertion using Chai would look something like this:

// Postman test to check for something or the other
pm.test("Whatever we are checking for", function () {
  // Assertion
  pm.expect("we pass the assertions here");

To follow along, you can either download the Postman app, or use the web version of Postman for testing. We will be using the web version in our examples.

Example: Verifying a page loads successfully

Start by logging into Postman, opening your workspace, and navigating to the Tests tab. You should see a blank text area as shown below:

The Tests tab is where we will be writing the code for this test. In this first example, we will be testing that homepage of Stack Overflow loads successfully.

Enter the URL into request URL and ensure the HTTP method is set to GET.

Next, enter the code below into the text area of the Tests tab:

var STATUS_CODE = 200;
var RESPONSE_SIZE = 178000;

// Postman test to check for time taken to load the page
pm.test("Response time is less than two second", function () {

// Test to check the status code
pm.test("Test to check the status code", function () {;

// Checking the cache control header is set to private
pm.test("The cache control header should be set to private", function () {"Cache-Control", "private");

// Checking the response size
pm.test("Checking the response size", function () {

// Checking the content encoding is set to 'gzip'
pm.test("Checking that the content encoding is set to gzip", function () {"Content-Encoding", "gzip");

First, we created some variables which we will use in our tests: SECONDS_TAKEN_TO_LOAD in seconds, STATUS_CODE and RESPONSE_SIZE in kilobytes. The first test was to check the time taken to load the page, and that it was below the SECONDS_TAKEN_TO_LOAD variable. The second test was to check the status code and we passed in our STATUS_CODE variable. The third test checked that the cache control header was set to private. The fourth test checked the response size of the page and compared it to the RESPONSE_SIZE while the fifth test checked that the content encoding header was set to gzip.

With that done, make the request to StackOverflow, navigate to the test results tab and you should see something that looks like the image below:

You can see from the image above that our tests passed and we got the results that we wanted. You can intentionally fail your tests to be sure that Postman really tested what you wanted.

Example: Submitting a form

While Postman cannot interact with the browser UI directly. It can simulate those actions by submitting requests directly to web app’s backend server. In this example, we’ll be making a POST request that simulates what would happen when a user submits a form on a web page.

First, we’ll simulate loading the page by initiating a GET request of the site we’re testing. For this example we’ll be using the W3Schools Bootstrap Form example located here, so the GET URL should be

Note that you could get closed to simulating actual user traffic by having separate GET requests for different assets on this page, like the CSS, JavaScript and image assets used to render the UI.

With the initial GET request complete, we will not submit another request that simulates what happens when the ‘Submit’ button is clicked:

To simulate this request, add a new request that uses the GET method and has a URL of I was able to figure out what to enter here by using Chrome Developer Tools to inspect the network request that’s made when the form is submitted. Here you can see an example of what that looks like in Chrome Developer Tools:

One thing to note is that normally a form submission is done through a POST request. When that’s the case, you would want to use the POST method in Postman and enter the form fields in the Request Body. Depending on how the site is implemented, the request will likely be submitted in JSON format, or in plain text.

As with the first example, you can add various Chai assertions for things like the status code, or data that should appear in the HTTP response body.


While Postman is limited when it comes to UI testing, there are certain simple scenarios where you might elect to use Postman instead of a more purpose built end-to-end testing tool.

Happy testing!

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