End-to-end Testing
How-tos & Guides
8 min read

Highlighting text in Cypress tests

Cypress does not have built-in support for testing workflows that require a user to highlight text on a page. This tutorial provides two workarounds that allow you replicate and test text highlighting in your Cypress tests.

Fortune Ikechi
Published July 7, 2022
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Testing Basics

The Three “A”s

A straightforward approach to testing is what’s known as the three “A’s”: Arrange, Act, and Assert. These three concepts are the bedrock for structuring your regression tests.

Common types of web testing

When it comes to testing web applications, there are many different types of testing that can be employed. The most common types of testing you’ll see being done on a web application are:

Testing with Cypress

Cypress queries for elements similar to jQuery and exposes DOM methods that enable you to work with complex HTML structures with already known APIs.

Cypress also allows for chaining of commands. The unique nature of this is that the chained commands will return a promise chain automatically. Each command yields a subject leading to the next subject until the chain ends or an error occurs.

Cypress has support for simulating many of the actions that users may perform on a web page, but one action where it lacks built-in support is text highlighting.

How to highlight text in Cypress

Cypress has no native API support for handling text highlights. However, workarounds do exist. We’ll cover two workarounds in this article: simulating text highlighting by triggering the ‘mouseover’ event, and highlighting text via the use of the Selection API. As a bonus, we’ll also cover how to utilize the native Clipboard APIs to test workflows that require highlighted text to be copied to the clipboard.

Setting up a Cypress test

To start the application, run the command below to bootstrap a new application:

yarn create react-app

The next thing to do is to get Cypress working on the application. Navigate to the terminal and run the command below

npm install –save-dev cypress

This will install Cypress as a dev dependency. You can now run the command below to start Cypress:

npx cypress open

The above command is the quickest way to access Cypress. As an alternative, you can add a command as an npm script in the package.json and then use npm run e2e-test in the terminal.

"scripts": {
    "start": "react-scripts start",
    "build": "react-scripts build",
    "test": "react-scripts test",
    "eject": "react-scripts eject",
    "e2e-test": "cypress open"

When you run the command to start Cypress, a new Cypress window pops up and presents you with some pre-loaded tests that can be used as a reference.

Cypress also took the liberty of creating a folder in the project’s root directory, which has lots of examples. You can either keep them or delete them, depending on their relevance.

The initial step in Cypress testing is to load your application. To begin, we will create a new test folder. Inside the folder, we will create a file ending in .spec.js

This file will hold running tests for the application and automatically appear in the Cypress GUI.

The next step will be to start writing tests for the application. To do this, we first have to start up the application. Clear out the code in the App.js file and paste the code below into it:

import React from "react";

const App = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Text Highlighter</h1>
      <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Totam, qui?</h3>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ea alias atque quaerat magnam minus explicabo quam a
        provident aliquam ducimus.
      <p>Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ea, odit!</p>

export default App;

The purpose here is to test different elements of the applications, and to see if they can be highlighted with the same tests.

In the taskapp.spec.js file, we will create the first test. Copy and paste the code below in the file:

describe("Task tracker", () => {
  it("loads successfully", () => {

The describe keyword is used to organize tests that are related and take two arguments: a string that describes the test and a callback function.

The it keyword describes individual tests and also takes two arguments: a string representing the test and a callback function outlining the test steps. cy.visit is a Cypress command telling the browser to go to the address.

One good thing about Cypress tests is that they are easily readable. The code block above can be easily read as: visit the page at localhost://3000 if the page loads successfully.

Option 1: Triggering the ‘mouseover’ event to simulate a text highlight

The trigger method makes triggering events easier than creating and dispatching the events, and its primary use is handling mouse events.

describe("Task tracker", () => {
  it("loads successfully", () => {


In the example above, we use the .get method to select the h3 element in the code, and then trigger a mouseover event on the element or component.

From the image above, we see the h3 element being highlighted.

One downside of using this method is that it triggers an error when multiple element tags are selected, as we will see below. Add another h3 element to the code in the App.js file and refresh the browser to see what happens when we select more than a single element.

The error shows that you can only use this method on one element at a time.

Option 2: Using the Selection and Range APIs

Another way of highlighting text is using the Selection and Range APIs. Basically, we create a pair of boundary points using the Range API with range start and range end. Next, we select the elements inside the specified boundary points.

In the taskapp.spec.js file, copy and paste the code block below:

​​cy.get('h3').then((text) => {
  const startNode = text[0];
  const endNode = text[1];
  cy.window().then((window)) => {
    const selection = window.getSelection();
    const range = window.document.createRange();
    range.setStart(startNode, 0);
    range.setEnd(endNode, 1);
    selection.extend(startNode, 1);

In the example above, we got the element that we want to highlight and also defined the boundary points. Head over to the browser where Cypress is running, and you should see the effect shown just like the image below:

Copying highlighted text to the clipboard

The trigger method is a nice and generic way to test text highlight in Cypress, but the shortcomings of using it are that you can only select one element at a time to avoid triggering an error.

The second way to approach this is to use a workaround. In this case, we are not highlighting the text per se, but instead, we are opting to manually select and copy the highlighted lines of text. Add the code below to the taskapp.spec.js file, and we will get into what it does in a minute.

describe("Task tracker", () => {
  it("loads successfully", () => {
      .then((text) => {

cy.window will get the window object of the currently active page and then gets the clipboard API which returns the Clipboard object that is used to copy and paste features in a web application. We will invoke the clipboard.read permissions, which read the text in the clipboard and then logs the text to the console.

With this solution, we are effectively testing two things: the ability to highlight text and the ability to copy text.

As seen in the image above, the highlighted text is copied, the application is refreshed, and we can see the text on the clipboard logged to the console.


Cypress has a low learning curve for new developers, but there are some features that it does not support with ease and which require a bit more effort to implement. In this article, we outlined how to highlight text when testing with Cypress, using JavaScript natively and the Cursor API. We also covered another method for highlighting text when testing with Cypress, which enabled highlighting multiple elements at once. The trigger method is most effective when used to highlight a single element while the clipboard method is most effective when you want to highlight multiple elements. You can read more on Cypress on the official documentation.

Reflect: A testing tool with built-in support for highlighting text

Reflect is a no-code testing tool that can test virtually any action you can take on a browser. In addition to testing workflows that require a user to highlight text, you can also test actions like drag-and-drops, hovers, and file uploads. Creating a test in Reflect is easy: the tool records your actions as you use your site and automatically translates those actions into a repeatable test that you can run any time.

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