API Testing

Test APIs alongside UI tests as part of a comprehensive end-to-end testing strategy.
Trusted by hundreds of companies to help increase software quality
No-code test builder

Fast authoring, easy maintenance

Empower the entire team to participate in the testing effort with a no-code approach to constructing API tests, including full support for XML and JSON, as well as both REST and GraphQL-based APIs.

Simple sharing and collaboration

Your Reflect account is a shared workspace where multiple team members can collaborate on building and refine test suites.

Comprehensive results

Run tests remotely and view results via our web-based testing platform. Update tests directly in our web-based platform.


Why Reflect for API Testing

The combination of API testing with end-to-end regression testing can yield powerful results.

Easy test setup

Issue direct API calls to set up data at the beginning of an end-to-end test.

Validate results via API

Avoid scripting UI tests of third-party or internal systems. Instead, validate the results of cross-system tests with direct API calls.

Simple collaboration tools

Share and reuse test snippets across your organization.

No-code test builder

Reflect's unique approach to API testing requires no coding knowledge. Extract values and add assertions via an easy-to-use interface.

Read the docs →
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Works with your existing development process

Reflect integrates with apps and tools that you already use to make the process of building and maintaining tests quick and easy.

Common API testing questions

How does API testing relate to end-to-end testing?

As a subset of Integration Testing, API testing enables software teams to verify that a given API or service is working as expected. In web development, APIs are typically served over HTTP, and are designed as either REST APIs or GraphQL APIs. This type of testing is a powerful complement to unit testing (which verifies behavior at a lower level than API testing), and end-to-end testing (which exercises the application similar to how an end-user would).

Does Reflect replace the need for dedicated API testing tools like Postman?

Reflect's API Testing feature is not designed to be a replacement for API tests written in Postman, REST Assured, or directly in code. Instead, Reflect makes it easy to include direct API calls in your end-to-end tests to make them shorter, simpler, and more straightforward. Consider a scenario where you want to test a workflow that deletes an existing record. To ensure the test is repeatable and not flaky, we likely want to create a new record first, and then delete that record. But if we were to do this purely through the UI, a good chunk of our test will be dedicated towards something that we're not trying to directly test, and which should probably be covered in its own separate test. We could instead replace the UI steps that create a new record with a single API call that creates the record. This not only saves us development work, but makes the test faster and more maintainable too.

Another common case where you'd want to incorporate direct API calls in your end-to-end tests is to verify behavior after executing a set of UI actions. Perhaps you want to validate that the actions you just performed resulted in a new record in your system of record. Or maybe you want to verify that data has now propagated to a third party system. These types of verifications may be very difficult or impossible to do purely by driving the UI. But with API testing support in your end-to-end testing tool, adding these type of verifications is trivial.

All-in-one web testing platform

Everything you need to build, run, and maintain comprehensive end-to-end test suites.

Get started with Reflect today

Create your first test in 2 minutes, no installation or setup required. Accelerate your testing efforts with fast and maintainable test suites without writing a line of code.

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